18 September in Weather History

Station data

Station Data


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Average temperature
The average temperature on this day is 73.25 °F.
Maximum temperature
The maximum measured temperature on this day was 92.7 °F in 2016 at 15.51.
Minimum temperature
The minimum measured temperature on this day was 56.1 °F in 2015 at 06.55.
Average humidity
The average humidity on this day is 81.64 %.
Maximum humidity
The maximum measured humidity on this day was 99 %.
Minimum humidity
The minimum measured humidity on this day was 40 % in 2015 at 14.51.
Maximum pressure
The maximum measured pressure on this day was 30.19 inhg in 2019 at 23.45.
Minimum pressure
The minimum measured pressure on this day was 29.72 inhg in 2020 at 02.15.
Average wind speed
The average wind speed on this day is 0.2 mph.
Maximum wind speed
The maximum measured wind speed on this day was 5.1 mph in 2015 at 12.37.
Average wind gust
The average wind speed on this day is 0.58 mph.
Maximum wind gust
The maximum measured wind gust on this day was 11 mph in 2019 at 13.42.
Maximum precipitation
The maximum daily precipitation measured on this day was 0.3 in in 2015.

US Weather Events

US Weather Events

1926 98 yrs ago
"The great """"Miami Hurricane"""" produced winds reaching 138 mph which drove ocean waters into the Biscayne Bay drowning 135 persons. The eye of the hurricane passed over Miami, at which time the barometric pressure reached 27.61 inches. Tides up to twelve feet high accompanied the hurricane, which claimed a total of 372 lives. (David Ludlum)"
1987 37 yrs ago
Early morning thunderstorms in northern Texas produced wind gusts to 65 mph at Sulphur Springs, and 2.50 inches of rain in one hour at Commerce, which caused widespread street flooding. Bonham TX received 4.50 inches of rain which also resulted in widespread street flooding as Pig Branch overflowed its banks. (Storm Data)
1988 36 yrs ago
A strong cold front produced severe thunderstorms in the north central U.S. High winds behind the cold front gusted to 92 mph at Fort Collins CO, and up to a foot of snow blanketed the mountains of Montana, with seven inches reported at Great Falls. High winds in Colorado caused three million dollars damage. (Storm Data)
1989 35 yrs ago
Hurricane Hugo hit Puerto Rico, producing wind gusts to 92 mph at San Juan, and wind gusts to 120 mph at Roosevelt Roads. Hugo produced a storm surge of four to six feet, and northeastern sections of the island were deluged with more than ten inches of rain. Hugo claimed the lives of a dozen persons in Puerto Rico, and caused a bilion dollars damage, including 100 million dollars damage to crops. Thunderstorms representing what remained of Hurricane Octave continued to bring heavy rain to the valleys of northern California. Heavier 24 hour rainfall totals included 3.15 inches at Redding, and 2.66 inches at Red Bluff. (The National Weather Summary)
Data source: http://www.weatherforyou.com/

World Records

World Records

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F5 tornadoes

F5 tornadoes

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Deadly earthquakes

Deadly earthquakes

1984-09-18 13.26 UTC 40 yrs ago
Turkey (map) , 10 km deep Magnitude: 5.5
Deaths resulting from earthquake shaking3
Total fatalities resulting from earthquake shaking and secondary effects3
Total deaths resulting from an earthquake (Utsu catalog)3
Total deaths resulting from an earthquake (Emergency Events Database)3

1991-09-18 09.48 UTC 33 yrs ago
Guatemala (map) , 10.6 km deep Magnitude: 6.2
Secondary effectslandslide
Deaths resulting from earthquake shaking25
Total fatalities resulting from earthquake shaking and secondary effects25
Total deaths resulting from an earthquake (Utsu catalog)25
Total deaths resulting from an earthquake (Emergency Events Database)14

2011-09-18 12.40 UTC 13 yrs ago
India (map) , 19.7 km deep Magnitude: 6.9
Secondary effectslandslide
Improved fatality estimates from official reports and detailed scholarly studies111+

